Maine Wildflowers

Acadia National Park
> Bar Harbor Maine Attractions
> Spring Flowers

Spring Flowers

Following the beauty of a secluded winter in Acadia National park comes a welcomed blossoming, yet still quite, spring. With the warmer days, the Wildflowers of Maine wake up. Each variant ecosystem, from woodland to seashore, to roadside, field and marsh, deliver a unique vibrant message of life renewed through Maine Flowers.

  • Many Maine Wildflowers are protected and best enjoyed for viewing not picking
  • Insectivorous species, specialties of the isolated ecosystem of West Quoddy Head include the Pitcher Plant and Sundew
  • Another specialty area for viewing Maine Wildflowers is at the Wild Gardens of Acadia
  • Other Maine Flowers can be seen through the many trails or narrated tours by Acadia National Park Rangers
  • Enjoy cultivated spring flowers through other public gardens such as Thuya Gardens or the Azalea Gardens

In the Woodlands

In the woodlands of Acadia, these new arrivals include native flowers such as the wild lily-of-the-valley. Look for bunchberry, found in abundance with its white flower like crowns and arching veins on its leaves. Later in the season these flowers change to red berries. The bluebead lily has pale yellow flowers which later turn into remarkable, though poisonous, blue berries that resemble beads. The rare twinflower has two erect stems, each topped with a single bell shaped flower in white or blue. Also keep an eye out for Starflowers, Goldthread, Clintonia, Violets, and Solomon's Seal.

Bogs and Moist Areas

In the moist areas Blueflags grow. The crimson spike of the Cardinal flower also can be found here. Along the salty shore one can see purple and lavender colored Beach Pea and pale pink trumpet flowers known as Bindweed. Amongst the ledges above the waves the Cranberry and Blueberries are flowering. Harebells grow in strong bunches with long slender stems and blue flowers. Purple-pink Rhodora blossoms, Labrador Tea, Sheep Laurel, Sundew and the Pitcher Plant are also famous spring arrivals. The insectivorous species are specialties of the isolated ecosystem of West Quoddy Head. The Pitcher Plant and Sundew are both protected by Law.

Visit Gardens

The spring time is a perfect time to beat the usual Island crowds and enjoy this natural treasure of granite rock, ocean and the serenity of the protected natural environment by taking a narrated tour of the spring flora through Acadia National Parks interpretive rangers or by visiting the various public gardens, the Wild Gardens of Acadia, Thuya or Azalea Gardens.